Javier De Benito
Independent Non-Executive Director
Javier is a Spanish national, born in 1958, studied business administration and economics at the Universidad Autónoma de Madrid and undertook further studies at the Harvard Business School. After a number of years of professional experience in the finance department of an international steel trading company and as a specialist for finance projects with a Spanish export promotion company, he joined Holcim Trading, Madrid, in 1988. Along with responsibility for controlling at the subsidiary companies division and for business development, he took on the position of Deputy General Manager in 1992, with responsibility for the trading division. On April 1, 2003, he moved to the head office in Switzerland and was appointed Area Manager for the Mediterranean, Indian Ocean and West Africa. As of September 1, 2012, Javier directly leads Africa Middle East including the Group’s positions in West Africa and the Arabian Gulf that formerly have been run by Holcim Trading. As of the same date, he is also responsible for the interests in South and East Africa. Since January 2016 Javier is the Chairman of Globbulk Technologies S.L., a technical consulting services company specialized in the cement industry.